
Possible Reasons For Left Side and Breast Pain

Friday, October 16, 2015

On the left side of the body can be a sign of inflammation be one of the body, there was pain. We would like to think of the pain in the chest of a woman, do not select breast cancer to increase hand, comes to mind. The pain is felt in the left breast cancer might mean.

So my heart in the left lung, stomach, liver, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, small intestine and large pieces, organs such as the kidney body, left hand and left body that reproductive testicles rest for a few women and left tubes uterus and ovaries with men.

Pages totalis Inversus show a person unless you have left appendicitis pain. This left lung, spleen, left kidney, ovary or gastrointestinal inflammatory agent may be on the left side of the bowel.

My heart is on the box at the bottom left. Where the heart and pumps blood through the lower diastolic pressure. Therefore; Feeling is stronger on the left chest. Acid reflux is heartburn feeling pain in her left breast is best known as one of the causes. This is only burns under our strict are the esophagus. Increase the burning sensation in the neck, throat or jaw. The main symptom of GERD is heartburn. Acid reflux is also the cause of chronic cough and asthma can mimic identified.

Pancreatitis pain on the left side of the body can cause a stomach ulcer or pain means. Pancreatitis is a common acute and chronic health problems, both for the two men. Acute pancreatitis, acute pain, short-term and often severe. The pain may spread to the back or below the left shoulder blade. It "basically causes alcoholism gallstones and gallbladder disease. In addition, chronic pancreatitis alcohol long-term consequences.

Despite its name, heartburn does not affect the heart in any way. This name is even more intense Burn feel should be given up on the heart motifs. However, the pain is only based on the current position is located at the entrance of the stomach. Heartburn does not require medication or alternative therapies for the adoption of restrictive diet, but her head slightly raised on its feet so that sleeping in bed to improve with a slight angle. In this regard, stomach acid into the esophagus and prevents pain.

The pain may be a symptom of stomach ulcers left. There may be a hole in the lining of the stomach or duodenum. The most common symptoms of peptic ulcer is strong in general and burning abdominal pain, nausea, blood or food, vomiting and belching. Duodenal ulcers, stomach pains between meals or when empty Create experienced stomach ulcer pain usually shortly after dinner. Reduced with antacids and pain. Women ovulate once a month, if it causes pain. This is in the abdomen called ovulation pain, discomfort and pain. If the pain increases, consult a doctor and have a complete check-up is always better.

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